Brightening Indiana's future,
one 'yes' at a time

Brightening Indiana's future,
one 'yes' at a time

For Donate Life Indiana, 2022 was a year of growth and excitement. We pursued new avenues for Hoosiers to say “yes” to donation, which we know is key to increasing the number of registered donors. Education also remained a top priority as we sought to teach more Hoosiers the importance of becoming organ donors.

On behalf of Donate Life Indiana, we are proud to share our accomplishments in 2022 and look forward to continued donation and transplantation education in 2023.

2023 Highlights

More than

Hoosiers signed up as organ donors in 2023.


youth reached during presentations and events in 2023.

More than

donated to Donate Life Indiana during BMV transactions in 2023.
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Indiana Donor Registry

In 2023, Donate Life Indiana continued to enhance the Indiana donor registry. This included enhanced search capabilities and additional reporting functionality.

The Indiana Donor Registry houses all donation decisions made in the state of Indiana which the National Donor Registry houses decisions made via Donate Life America.

In 2023, Donate Life Indiana continued to enhance the Indiana donor registry. This included enhanced search capabilities, additional reporting functionality.

Donor Registration Partners

Our partners not only help us in raising awareness of organ, tissue and eye donation, they also help us raise the number of registrations each year. We thank these partners for continuing to save lives by helping Hoosiers sign up to be organ, tissue and eye donors every day.

Bureau of Motor Vehicles
At the heart of donor registrations lies the BMV. Whether it’s online, at a kiosk or in person, the BMV and their staff are linchpins in the donation process, making a life-saving impact every day. In 2023, we embraced the spirit of collaboration and provided BMV staff members with Donate Life Indiana apparel. This token of appreciation not only recognized their essential role in the donation process but also aimed to elevate our brand presence at the very moment when individuals contemplate the life-saving act of donation.
Department of Natural Resources
Since launching in 2021, the Department of Natural Resources has added nearly 3,000 Hoosiers to the Indiana donor registry via their licenses. Their commitment goes beyond the registry as they invite Donate Life Indiana to participate in prominent events – including large events like the Indiana Boat, Sport and Travel Show – at no cost. This collaborative outreach ensures we reach Hoosiers who will likely to purchase hunting, fishing or trapping licenses, creating a meaningful impact on donation education.
Professional Licensing Agency
More than 20% of Hoosiers hold a professional license as part of their career, so the addition of the donation question in this application process is tremendous. During 2023, Donate Life Indiana worked with the Professional Licensing Agency to begin the implementation process with hopes of launching in 2024.
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New TV Commercials Launched in 2023

In partnership with Indiana Donor Network

Youth Education Program

Donate Life Indiana’s youth education program focuses on reaching Hoosiers who are making timely donation decisions. The team works tirelessly to educate students before they go to the BMV to get an ID, learner’s permit or driver’s license and are asked the important question, “Do you want to be an organ donor?” Learn more about our youth education program here

In 2023 Donate Life Indiana completed 767 classroom presentations and educated 23,484 students as a result of our youth education program in schools alone. That’s a 7% increase in students educated in the classroom setting compared to 2022.

New in 2023, Donate Life Indiana conducted an incentivized Back to School booking campaign where we offered educators a free donation-inspired shirt for booking a presentation within the deadline. As a result, we saw an increase of 27% in the number of educators requesting presentations compared to our traditional Back to School campaign. In addition, we conducted targeted outreach to school systems not currently a part of the program in an effort to increase engagement.

Donate Life Indiana continued to pursue partnerships with youth-focused organizations offering the opportunity for engagement outside of the classroom. We developed a relationship with the Indiana Future Farmers of America and were able to conduct a breakout session at their annual statewide convention alongside having booth space for youth to visit. In addition, we sponsored the large-scale events such as the Apex Benefits Monumental 5k and the Victory Bell game at Hanover College where Donate Life Indiana was able to engage in many meaningful conversations about donation.

Further, 2023 saw the addition of two new Student Organ Donation Advocates chapters. These college groups help raise awareness and increase donor registrations by signing up new organ and tissue donors outside of the classroom. We now have 10 SODA chapters in Indiana, making us the state with the highest number of chapters. In 2023, our SODA chapters signed up 103 new donors and helped educate another 9,527 people about donation.

National Donate Life Month

Every April, we celebrate National Donate Life Month in multiple ways. This year, we ran a month-long social media campaign, distributed Donate Life standard-size and garden-size flags to businesses across the state for display during the month, provided content and displays to community partners and more.

In 2023, we held our second Donate Life Day at Cabela’s. Donate Life Indiana spokesperson and NASCAR winner Ryan Newman was on-site to sign autographs. We hosted a raffle and provided donation education to hundreds of Hoosiers with a connection to hunting and fishing.

IMS blue green day
Donate Life Indiana flag

Several organizations, including the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and AES Indiana, joined us in celebrating National Donate Life Month by lighting up their facilities with blue and green. 

Team Indiana

Donate Life Indiana worked to prepare Team Indiana for the next Transplant Games of America, which will take place in July 2024. This included a team manager site visit to Birmingham and hosting a team outing to help form new friendships and identify partnerships for the various competitions. Finally, a new team captain program was launched to assist with the initial onboarding process. Veteran team members connect with prospective team members and serve as a resource to answer questions about joining Team Indiana and attending the Games.

individuals make up the Team Indiana Roster
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2023 Finances

Monetary donations in support of Donate Life Indiana help fund our outreach and education efforts around the need for organ, tissue and eye donors. All figures are calculated using accrual-based accounting. 

License Plate Revenue

Donate Life Indiana receives $25 for each specialty license plate sold by the BMV.

In 2021, Donate Life Indiana received approval to continue offering the specialty license plate through 2031.

BMV Donation Revnue

During transactions at the BMV (online or in-person), individuals are asked if they would like to donate $1 or more to support Donate Life Indiana.

Miscellaneous Donation Revenue

This includes Facebook fundraisers, memorial donations and public donations.

Donate Life Indiana receives $25 for each specialty license plate sold by the BMV.

In 2021, Donate Life Indiana received approval to continue offering the specialty license plate through 2031.

During transactions at the BMV (online or in-person), individuals are asked if they would like to donate $1 or more to support Donate Life Indiana.

This includes Facebook fundraisers, memorial donations and public donations.

Meet Our Heroes

These are just a few of the dedicated volunteers who give their time to educate Hoosiers about the importance of donation and transplantation, as well as advocate on Donate Life Indiana’s behalf.

Joy Armstrong
Mother of Donor Hero
“When they turned that piece of paper around, showing that he had already made that decision, it was very humbling. There was my child’s signature.”
Minerva Coker
Mother of Donor Hero
“Her life here is gone, but let's go save others."
Jamie Taylor
Kidney Recipient
“I never gave up faith. I knew, one day, I was gonna get a transplant. So, that was my positive point in life.”
Vanderkleed Family
Family of donor hero
“We wanted to try and prevent any other parents from going through what we were going through.”
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How can you help?

Sign up today to be an organ, tissue and eye donor.

Already signed up? There are many other ways you can help. ​